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25 Days of Christmas

3 Dec



Well it’s that time of year again and the count down is on! The countdown to Christmas has started and so has my families #25daysofchristmas advent calendar that was started by my friend Andrea at A Peek Inside the Fishbowl  

We have had great fun as a family with this version of the 25 days of Christmas and are excited about doing it again this year for the third year in a row.  You can find the activities we did last year over here


With a 2.5 year old and an 8 month old here are the activities we will be doing this year….


Saturday December 1- Daddy’s Christmas Party

Sunday December 2- swimming at Mommy’s work

Monday December 3-ice cream sundae desserts

Tuesday December 4- write letter to Santa

Wednesday December 5- bake sugar cookies

Thursday December 6- make paper snowman and decorate

Friday December 7- make your own pizza and movie night

Saturday December 8- biodome

Sunday December 9- decorate Christmas tree

Monday December 10- bake gingerbread cookies

Tuesday December 11- make snowflakes

Wednesday December 12- tubes and jujubes

Thursday December 13- Santa craft

Friday December 14- Christmas Movie and picnic dinner

Saturday December 15- Parc Omega

Sunday December 16- Museum of Civilization & Kids Museum

Monday December 17- visit library

Tuesday December 18- make gingerbread house

Wednesday December 19- taffy lane

Thursday December 20- snowy walk

Friday December 21 colour xmas sheets

Saturday December 22- see Santa

Sunday December 23- swimming Gatineau

Monday December 24- open 1 present

Tuesday December 25- Santa comes!! 


It is so fun now seeing our son get really excited about different activities and watch his eyes light up.  I can’t wait to see his amazement Christmas morning!!



Summer is the New Fall!

2 Oct

I will admit it. There was a time in my life that Fall was my favourite season. The crisp air, leaves turning colour, wrapped up in a warm sweater. But I’ve had a change of heart. My break up with Fall started around the time I had my first baby and the love affair with summer become full on and heated this year. With two kids under 28 months there is always fun to be had. Hubby and I are exploring parts of Ottawa and events that we never even knew existed! This summer kicked butt! We had a jam packed summer and I’m sad to see it go. I have already brainstorming all the fun for next year!

Here are some of our highlights from this summer……

*Meech lake- hidden gem, quiet beach, beautiful scenery and all of our friendly Chelsea neighbours!

*Mont Cascade- seriously we were here ALL summer! I think they lost money on our summer memberships 😉

*CHEO Teddy Bear Picnic- we will definitely be there again next year! Day full of fun, trucks, games, rides, face painting and friends!

*Lac Leamy- clean beach, nice water, play structure, walking paths, lots of space and BBQ pits. Oh and sun!!

*RCMP Musical Ride- what little kid doesn’t love watching horses, people jump out of PLANES! and parachute, fresh lemonade, and an evening of fun. This was definitely worth the extra late bedtime.

*Granby Zoo- this was our second summer going and we will be back! I think this will always be a summer constant for the kiddies! Day of animals AND waterslides! The lazy river was definitely a water favorite and seeing all the zebras and elephants!

*Splash Pads! We love visiting City of Ottawa and Gatineau splash pads probably more than wading pools right now. Mostly due to the fact that the toddler can roam a bit more free and is more happy running around the splash pad then a wading pool that has larger children and deeper water.

*Lombardy Fair- ugh it was a hot day. Hot, Hot, Hot! But how could we miss introducing Dom to a country fair that I never missed as a child?!

*Playdates- oh were these ever fun! Rotating parks and friends homes. Full of sunscreen, children’s laughter and mom’s spending some quality time together.

Wordless Wednesday

25 Jul

What To Expect When You’re Expecting- Movie Review

30 May

I am in that stage in my life where I seem to be fully immersed in the world of baby, toddlers, snotty noses, poop, crushed cheerios in my car and you know what?? I am LOVING it! I should really saw “we” as my husband totally rocks the daddy card and could not imagine having our life without our sweet babes.

We attended the screening for “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” last Wednesday thanks to Alliance Films.  Many are familiar with the book of the same title that details your pregnancy journey from the moment of conception through to delivery and life in the immediate postpartum.

Those who know me know that this book is not in my top picks of books to read for the mom to be.  I always suggest reading some Ann Douglas, Penny Simkin, Ina May Gaskin and Jack Newman for parents to be looking for some educational and informative reading material.  I find the book too generic and quite often makes a new mom panic-stricken with the scenarios that play out and the repetitive answer of basically “call your doctor.” However, I had seen the movie previews and if a preview catches my attention enough to stop and watch it then I know it’s a must see. The fact that my husband actually expressed interest in coming with me (something we haven’t done in over 5 years together!) because he had seen the previews and said it would be funny, was a bonus for me!

The movie follows the experiences of 5 very different couples on their journey to parenthood.  These journeys are quite realistic and ones I have seen various friends experience over the years.  It continues to amaze me the different experiences women have trying to become pregnant and while they are pregnant.  My pregnancies are even more extreme then Wendy’s (one of the movie characters) but growing up and dreaming of having a baby I always pictured my experience would be more similar to Skyler’s (with my personality though…not hers….and a younger husband).

The dad group strollercise adds great hilarity and character to the movie as it greatly reminds me of my friend Jules (no not the Jules in the movie but just as awesome!) strollercise classes. A wonderful environment for parents to come together, get out with baby, get some physical fitness in and best of all a time to be surrounded by others who are also knee deep in poop, snot, baby smiles, giggles and endless laundry.

This movie kept me intrigued with fun comedy and laugh out loud moments.  A few tears were shed along the way- both of happy and sadness at a few points.   It caught a place in my heart, my mommy heart, and it reminded me how blessed I am to be on this amazing but sometimes rough rollercoaster ride called parenthood.

I really hope that this movie is part of Stars & Strollers or Movies for Mommies as I know the theaters will be packed with moms and their babes.  I know I will be seeing this movie again in the future!

Disclosure: I was not paid or compensated for this review other than the movie tickets to attend the Ottawa screening.

Disclosure 2: I love love love chick flicks and any movies with relationships, families, kids, etc.

A Whole Bunch of Awesome

24 May

This post from The Leaky Boob is a whole bunch of awesome. I have read it a few times over the last few months and I continue to love every word of it. How true it is!  If a newborn could speak this is what they would share with us!

Baby Explains- Normal Newborn Behavior

Take a Breath

10 Feb

Sometimes life happens. Something comes up that was unexpected and can throw you for a loop. Tonight was one of those nights. Something came up, something very small in the grand scheme of life, that threw me for a loop.  I was supposed to do something tonight for my company and it didn’t turn out as planned.  As a friend and client tonight said “Sh** happens.” Yes, yes it does and when things do happen my advice to others is always to take a moment and notice your breath. Is it shallow and rapid or deep and full?  

Well I didn’t find or notice my breath for at least 5 minutes but once I paused to notice my breath I realized that what happened was now out of my control. It happened. Was now in the past and really in the grand scheme of life really didn’t even matter.

So I challenge you the next time you find yourself faced with something unplanned that the first thing you do is stop and notice your breath. I promise that I will also try to do the same. Invite your breath to continue to flow slowly, deeply and fully.  Your breath is what you need to survive and thrive. Everything after that will fall into place.

Unintentional Sabbatical!

6 Feb

EEK, so apparently I took a small and unintentional sabbatical from my blog.  However, it was needed. Needed to refresh my mind and more importantly take care of my mind, body and spirit as I nourish the little human being growing inside me and the little man who runs around the house everyday with a smile from ear to ear.   But…I’M BACK!

December was a busy month full of ups and downs. For various reasons we decided to take D out of his daycare. A decision we had been contemplating for quite some time and finally said enough is enough. If we were thinking of taking him out of daycare that meant that we weren’t truly happy with having him there and therefore needed to do something about it.  It was torn emotions as we loved the lady who worked directly with him everyday but the daycare management needed some extreme work and this mama was done with the uphill climb it had been over the past few months. He loved his friends at daycare and one little girl he still gets to see when we have playdates.  It was a few weeks of unknown after that. We visited a few other daycare centres but none really met my standards. Yes, to some I may be a little picky, but after working as a nanny for years I have full right to be. I saw children in a lot of different childcare situations and I believe I am a pretty good judge of character.

We decided to go the nanny route as it would be nice to have D at home for the most part and we would have our options of activities for him to go to throughout the week.  Another added benefit for us was having him at home and the assistance of a nanny when the new baby comes in March.  So the new nanny is hired and currently on day #2, my fingers are crossed that things work out for all of us!

Despite our intentions of having a quiet Christmas with lots of downtime it ended up being full of activities and events. They were fun for all but left us needing a vacation from our time off!

Baby Girl will be here before we know it and WOW does my body ever feel different this pregnancy. The second time around it seems much more difficult earlier on.  Already at 33 weeks I am getting mild contractions, pelvic pain and I am soooo tired! Not to mention the non stop nausea that still visits each and every day.  Thankfully it is getting a little better and I am really starting to eat more!  The poutine and beavertail at Winterlude was delicious Friday night 😉

So it seems we are finally back into a routine with childcare some what sorted out. My business is thriving as I begin to step back a little bit, let it grow and nurture it in other ways. My “day job” is continually busy but we have come up with a common ground for me to take some time off and work most of my hours from home.

I have come to realize that sometimes unintentional sabbaticals happen for a reason and we need to embrace them!

With the days flying by and the to do lists always there I always come back to this picture….my two favourite men in the whole world!

Ikea Ottawa- Offering a Whole New Level of FUN!!

10 Dec

I had the wonderful opportunity of getting a sneak peek of the brand new Ikea in Ottawa. Wow, it is HUGE! There are so many staged rooms that offer a world of creativity that I could explore all day. When walking into our home it is evident that we are very big Ikea fans. We love the clean and sleek lines. Modern design and look. You absolutely cannot beat it’s affordability either. We have Ikea beds, cribs, all of our dressers, futon, desk, chairs, tables, tv stands, book shelves and the list could go on!

The new ikea has over double the parking, over double the product and over double the checkouts!,;

Looking to renovate your kitchen? There were ALOT of kitchen showrooms with lots of creativity and examples of making your kitchen work best for your families needs. Need new cupboards? Selection is definitely not limited 😉

One of my favourite things to buy at Ikea that I can’t seem to pass without grabbing another to bring home? These picture frames look great and all sizes are very well priced!

The kids section is sooo much bigger than the old Ottawa store and there was a great toy selection. I must say that the toys were extremely reasonably priced as well!  I am excited to head back in the next week or two and make some purchases!!\


12 Days of Christmas prep & organize

3 Dec

So December has arrived and there are only 20 days left until the big day! Instead of becoming overwhelmed with tasks on your to do list I have some tips to share on how I like to stay organized and calm during this busy month.

*Make a list & check it twice with everyone you need to buy or make a gift for.  Don’t be left running around trying to find a gift for that certain somebody who you happened to forget about or wasn’t sure what to get. Plan it out before!
*Draft up a meal plan so you can limit your trips to the store. Ensure it is flexible in case guests pop in (always great to have extra in the freezer!).  Having extra meals in the freezer means you can spend longer time playing in the snow with the kids and dinner just needs to be reheated!
*Create lists of what groceries you will need from at least Christmas to New Years.  The last place you want to be the days between these two holidays is the store.  Check out what you have planned for meals and buy a few extras for unexpected guests and munchies.
*Organize a schedule of where you are to be when and then ensure you have lots of time to get there. You don’t want to feel rushed!  Have to visit grandparents, in-laws, aunts, uncles and more? Know where you are going when and remember that it is okay to politely decline invites. Your time is precious. Spend it with your family!
*Block in times just for you and your immediate family. Maybe that’s Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, or an afternoon during the week.  Breathe in the quiet moments.
*Baking this year? Make a list of your baking needs & set a baking day/weekend. Purchase everything ahead of time and freeze extras.
*Feeling crafty? Make a list of what crafts you want to tackle and set a craft day or weekend. Set aside enough time (plus a little extra!) to complete the projects. You don’t want to have glitter out all over your home for days or weeks!
*Watch for sales ie food, presents needed, craft supplies, etc. A lot of expenses can occur during the holidays. Create a budget and stick with it!

Most importantly prepare for the unexpected.  Unexpected change of plans. Unexpected guests. Unexpected snowstorms! Let the holidays roll in and do what works best for you and your family.

What are some of your tips for preparing for the holidays? Got any to share?!

Holiday Traditions

2 Dec

In the past our Holidays have always been filled with travelling between families and spending time at others homes. We have decided to start a new tradition as a family. We started a little last year but our busy boy was still quite small and was not aware of Christmas being any different from any other day!

We want to start a tradition where our children wake up in their own home every Christmas morning, eager to see if Santa made it to their house. One filled with snuggles in the bed when it’s still too early to really get up and peek under the tree, staying in our comfy pj’s, opening gifts and playing.

It is important to us that we focus on what our needs are as a family and what works best for us. No stress, no worries, no running around.

Christmas Eve this year will be spent with my husband, our busy but cute tot and the little girl inside me who seems to kick and move non-stop these days 🙂 My mom has mentioned that she may join us for the evening as well. The plan is for quiet dinner, snuggles in pj’s, possibly a family Christmas movie and then off to bed for D as mommy and daddy prepare for everything under the tree.

With a child who thinks 4:45a.m. is the new wake up time since the time change I am sure we will be up Christmas morning bright and early and ready to celebrate the day together. My in-laws will be joining us Christmas morning to share in the joy of watching D open up gifts and look of joy when he discovers new things.

I remember as a child spending every Christmas morning at home, with my family. Grandparents would come for visits, we would enjoy time together and relax.

What are some of your holiday traditions? Do you travel or stay close to home? Whatever you chose to do remember to pause and enjoy it.Breathe it all in!